My brother finds the Korean culture fascinating. He loves their food, music and is even learning the language. His dream is to visit Korea. I reached out to KPOP Foods recently to try some of their products and was completely blown away by the flavors.
About KPOP Foods
Mike and Theo met at UCLA Anderson, and the late nights in business school turned into late nights at Korean BBQ. Seeing their friends delighted reactions to the delicious and communal experience of Korean food sparked an idea: they could bring Korean flavors right to the people. Right there, KPOP Foods was born.
Theo’s grandma had a secret recipe for gochujang sauce, a fermented chili paste that made anything delicious with its slow burn and tangy, savory spice. After countless hours of flavor concocting and mad scientist-ing, Mike and Theo emerged triumphant with their first bottle of KPOP Sauce.
Their mission is the bring people together and uplift spirits by sharing Korean Foods and Flavors.
My Thoughts on KPOP Foods
KPOP Foods sent me four different things to try- Sea Snacks, KPOP Sauce, KPOP Kimchi Mayo Sauce, & KPOP XXX Sauce. It was quite a comical scene when I opened up the package.
I got out of my “normal” job at about 12:30, so I got my package when I got home from work. I grabbed the package, texted my brother to come out of his room, and we sat on the floor together. We spent the next 35 minutes trying the sauces and sea snacks. KPOP Foods made good on its mission in this particular scenario- it brought people together and uplifted my spirits after a hard days work.
My favorite thing that they sent was the Kimchi Mayo. I will be the first to admit, I’m not great at trying new things. But this Mayo, let me tell you. I wish they sold it by the gallon. It’s so good! You can put it on anything. I stuck some with some shredded chicken and it made such a great sandwich!
My brother really enjoyed the Sea Snacks and the XXX sauce.
Each sauce was different in its own way. I rather enjoyed all of them. The Sea Snacks weren’t exactly “my cup of tea” but my brother really loved them. He loved the combination of the XXX sauce and the Sea Snacks together.
I give KPOP Foods an A+. They bring something to the food world that is very hard to find, and different from anything I have ever tried.
Find KPOP Foods Online, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!